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Te Kura Moana

EMR is a national programme
of experiential learning about marine conservation
Te Kura Moana - School of the Ocean

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Hands up !

Since 2001, EMR has taken 77,688 people through NZ marine reserves, we have guided snorkel experiences for 147,905 people. The total number of kiwi’s engaged in EMR is now 207,494!

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Summer Event Series

Experience the wonders of your local marine environment or marine reserve! EMR organised Community Guided Snorkel and Paddle Days around the country. We provide free hire for all snorkel/kayak/SUP equipment and provide experienced snorkel/kayak/SUP guides to lead your discovery.

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Info for educators

Plan your programme, download our curriculum resources, programme structure, success criteria (learning outcomes) and learning concepts.

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Marine Monitoring

With the multitude of pressures impacting our coastal marine ecosystems it’s important that we are aware of the changes that are occurring so we can respond appropriately. Our Reef Savers timed swim fish surveys provide a quick and simple method to measure the diversity and abundance of fish communities on shallow reef ecosystems.

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Kaitiaki Action Projects

After experiencing their local marine environment and the fully protected marine reserve, participants are encouraged to lead action projects and become kaitiaki of their marine environment.

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Conservation Week 2022 - Colouring In Competition

It's Conservation Week - Te Wiki Tiaki Ao Tūroa! Conservation Week is a national celebration that encourages people to get involved in nature and help to take care of it. Creating change can be big or small, when we pull together, we can make a big difference.

To celebrate Te Wiki Tiaki Ao Tūroa and inspire you to take a moment to e mahi mō te Taiao, act for nature we are running a colouring in competition!

Conservation Week 2022 Colouring In Competition

Here at EMR our favourite conservation tool are marine reserves! Marine reserves are special places which are completely protected from human impacts and act as a refuge from the sea surface to the sea floor. They also benefit non-protected regions through spillover, whereby animals will swim or move out of the marine reserve boundary and help support the recovery of non-protected areas!

Use our awesome colouring sheet linked below and send your creations to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Friday 30th September to go in the draw to win a jawsome EMR goodie bag!



Under 5 years old

5 - 10 years old

10+ years old