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Events Calendar

Mokohinau Adventure Snorkel
Contact Lorna Doogan This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Travel to the Mokohinau Islands for Experiencing Marine Reserves’ second Outer Hauraki Gulf Trip. Only 10 spots available

Check out the information sheet here: https://www.emr.org.nz/images/emr/Mokohinau_Information_Sheet.pdf

When: Saturday 2nd of March 2019
Back up date of Sunday the 17th of March.

What: Join EMR and Gulf Eco Adventures for a guided snorkel and tour to the Mokohinau Islands. We will be leaving from Sandspit and travelling 2hrs out to the Mokes for a day of snorkeling and exploration by SUP and kayak.

Where: Mokohinau Islands, leaving from Sandspit Wharf

Cost: $145pp

How to get on the trip - follow the get tickets link and express your interest. Entries will close on the 20th of February at 12pm. 10 lucky participants will be chosen to purchase tickets.

Please note that this trip has been heavily subsidized and is intended for participants that wouldn’t be able to afford it at the full cost of $225pp.

Location Mokohinau Islands
Express your interest here: https://goo.gl/forms/fPfn13zuIZ1CUfli2
Closes 20th Feb 2019 at 12pm