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Make a Submission

What is a submission?

A submission is your chance to present your opinions, observations, and recommendations on a matter before a select committee. Submissions are usually written and are a way for people to have their say on big decisions. In New Zealand, changes in fishing rules and regulations, marine reserves and conservation initiatives go through different stages of decision-making - including being open for submissions and allowing members of the public, stakeholders and conservationists to have their say.

Submissions will often ask you if you agree or disagree with the changes proposed and why. 

Examples of submissions by organisations:

pdfRevive Our Gulf 

pdfNoises Submission


You can often find submission guidelines for different proposals. For example:

South East Marine Protected Area submissions guide


We recently submitted on the 'Revitalising the Gulf' proposal for the Hauraki Gulf.

pdfMTSCT submission


Ask for more marine reserves using our form below

Minister of Conservation, Hon Kiri Allan,
cc Minister of Oceans Hon David Parker

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