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Events Calendar

Under the Sea Quiz Night

Fancy yourself a quiz shark? We hope you won't be out of your depth with our night of marine themed questions and fancy dress.

Water you doing on Thursday the 19th of September? You should be joining us for our Conservation Week Quiz Night! But don't let us pier-pressure you. We will be testing your marine knowledge, dance moves and team work.

Prizes for the top teams as well as for the best dressed table. Just remember no 'nudie'-branches. Don't go fishing for compliments.

We will be running a raffle and silent auction so bring your treasure chests and get ready for a reel-y great night.

With fronds like these who needs anenomes - get together your teams of 6 and get your swell costumes ready.

Proceeds are going towards volunteer development and running our Auckland region.

Thanks to the Kingslander who is providing us this venue free of charge - check out www.thekingslander.co.nz to check our their menu.

We can't wait to sea you there for a whale of a night.

Prizes and auction items coming soon.

Location The Kingslander, Auckland