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Events Calendar

Shakespear Snorkel Day

xplore the waters of the Hauraki Gulf at Shakespear Regional Park with an experienced snorkel guide; you never know what you might spot? Discover glass shrimp, triplefins or nudibranchs. Fun for the whole whanau.
Express your interest through eventbrite or register at the event on the day. Sea conditions permitting. Postponements via email, on website and facebook page.
This event is funded by Hibiscus and Bays Local Board, The Bobby Stafford-Bush Foundation and is part of Seaweek.
When: 10am – 3pm Saturday 7th of November - Back up Saturday the 21st of November
Where: Either at Te Haruhi Bay or Army Bay - Weather permitting. Follow the EMR signs.
Experiencing Marine Reserves runs a series of free and subsidised events over the summer months - we rely on your support to make them happen. We appreciate donations, either cash on the day, online or by giving a koha of your time volunteering at a future event. Most people donate $5-10pp.
Bring your own gear or get free hire of our mask, snorkel, fins and wetsuits. Recommended for everyone 5 years and up. All children under 15 years must be accompanied by an adult beach observer. Experienced guides and advanced safety procedures will be in place on the day.
Please note that due to COVID-19 we will only be able to run this event at alert level 1. If we are at alert level 2 or above we will postpone the event to the back up date. Snorkel equipment and all joint surfaces will be sanitised between uses. Registrations will be taken on the day and kept for contact tracing purposes. There will also be an event QR code to use on the day.




Location www.facebook.com/events/1532041777003080