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Events Calendar

Paddle the Awa - Whananaki

Please register for this free event: https://www.eventbrite.co.nz/.../paddle-the-awa-whananaki...
*** Please note: We are trying to offer the kayak spots to people living in and around Whananaki - however, you are more than welcome to join with your own paddleboard or kayak - please read information below ***
A fun event paddling/drifting down the Whananaki estuary. Learn first hand about life in and around the awa. Bring your own waka/paddleboard or join our free guided kayak tour - only 16 spots available for kayak-bookings. Expect to spend 1.5 - 2 hours on the water. BBQ for participants at the reserve next to Whananaki School afterwards.
Fun event for the whole whānau. Recommended for everyone age 8 and up. Children under 15 must have an adult supervisor with them. Lifejackets required.
Two Ticket Options:
Option 1: Kayaks provided (for Whananaki locals only)
Option 2: Bring your own paddleboard/kayak/waka and join the fun (Bring your own lifejacket!)
Please note: All participants must arrange their own transport to entry and exit point. One-way only.
Minimum Age:
Children younger than 8 will not be able to participate.Children aged 8-10 need to have a confident adult in the back of their kayak.
Weather conditions permitting. Postponement will be communicated to all registered participants. Back-up day 27th March.
This event is funded by the Foundation North and run in partnership with Whananaki Community Led Development. The event is also supported by Pacific Coast Kayaks and celebrating seaweek.
8am Meet at Halvorson Road Bridge (Whananaki). Welcome, briefing and karakia
9am Launch from Halvorson Road Bridge
11:30-12:30: BBQ at reserve near Whananaki School
Bring: Footwear for kayaking. Spare change of clothes. Sunglasses, hat and sunscreen. Short trousers.
Directions: Head towards Whananaki on Whananaki North Road. Meet at turnoff to Halvorson Road near bridge.
Please note that this event is subject to potential COVID-19 restrictions. Please do not attend this event if you are unwell!
Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have got any questions about this event.

Location Whananaki