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Events Calendar

Mountains to Sea Wānanga

MTS Wananga 24

We are excited to announce our annual marine and freshwater wānanga will be hosted at Whananaki Marae, Northland on the 19th-21st of April 2024. The theme is "Connecting Communities" and includes , salt water wedge surveys, keynote speakers, community engagement workshops, snorkelling in seagrass beds and the Poor Knights marine reserve.
Run by Mountains to Sea, this Wānanga weaves together the needs and experiences of local stakeholders, mana whenua and scientists to address local marine and freshwater issues, highlight successes and to upskill the people doing the mahi on the ground.
For the updated programme - please check out https://mountainstosea.org.nz/index.php/get-involved/wananga
The cost for the Wānanga is:
$600 for a waged professional
$450 for non profits, students or teachers
Some sponsored spots available
Which covers the 3 day fully catered Wānanga including accommodation, a social evening, some transport and a day out at the Poor Knights with Dive! Tutukaka.
Register here: https://wkf.ms/3O3BzRj
This Wānanga has been funded by MfE through the Wai Connection Project.
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