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2019.09.21 Hauturu Snorkel Day

2019.09.21 Hauturu LD 07673

Hauturu Trip Report

Saturday 21st of September 2019
Written by Marta Ribo

Images from the day

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Last weekend I had the privilege to participate as a volunteer guide on one of the EMR Adventures, for a day of snorkelling and exploring around Hauturu Island.

The day started with wonderful weather, the best we had in months! The excitement couldn’t be higher when we arrived at the snorkelling site and we suddenly see orcas!

Once the orca had continued their journey, we were excited to be able to jump into the water and start exploring around Little Barrier Island. The group of participants were amazing and everybody had some snorkelling (or diving) experience. For this I am grateful, as it eased my first experience of being a volunteer snorkel guide.

We were lucky to see a sting ray, hiwihiwi, and really big red moki (nanua) and diving between the kelp forest in the shallows was amazing, like nothing I have ever seen before.

It was my first time snorkelling in New Zealand’s waters, and I feel really lucky that I had the opportunity do it as a volunteer for EMR. I look forward to participating in more adventures and community guided snorkel days!

2019.09.21 Hauturu LD 07706